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Writer's pictureSherie Weaver

This Moment

As I washed dishes one more time I watched out the kitchen window and savored the sounds of home. I heard a horn tooting and by the sound of the horn I knew it would be Brain in his grey public bus, loaded with people going into town. I waved to Ms. Nikki as she slowly walk by on her way up to her pastry shop. Then there was the black dog, named Bones and I knew that the owner, Julius would be coming into sight just soon. Local people walked by talking together or to themselves. A man walked by boisterously singing to himself and anyone else that wanted to listen. This is home and we love this place. As I think of leaving it looks hard and painfully overwhelming at times. But today as I will wash dishes and look out the window, I will thank God for this day and not look to far into the future.

We have enjoyed quiet a few special days with the school children. There was great excitement in the air as we headed to a point for kite day and had a fun field trip day to the local small animal clinic. The days ticked away and we ended the second trimester of this school year.

The first week of Easter break we had a vacation bible school each morning for the local children. All the schools in Grenada had off for Easter break so children wonder the streets looking for something to do. Each morning we had 40-50 children between the ages of 5-15. Jared was teaching a class of boys and I was helping out as I could, while caring for Isaac. The lessons were on standing up for God even when those around us don't. The children really seemed to have fun so it was a good week! Getting out the door early each morning and getting Isaac to take naps while we were on the go was a challenge but the change of pace from the normal school schedule was a nice change.

Over the last few weeks we have been keeping a secret! As we struggled through the weeks of sickness and health issues, I knew that we had this special surprise that we were greatly anticipating and so often that was what kept me going. Ever since we have moved away we have wanted to do a surprise trip home. With the long unexpected bouts of Covid, it looked like that dream would never happen. As I was playing with Isaac I told Jared how I wish we could share the joy of this little guy and oh how fun a surprise trip would be now. Jared mentioned that it seems like over Easter break would be a good time. But we doubted that we would be granted permission beings we were so close to moving back. But we asked anyhow, just incase and we were given permission! So back in February Jared bought tickets for a quick trip to the states over the second week of Easter break. And slowly the anticipation built up! And so did my fears and anxiety of flying with a 4 month old.

The day arrived and on Friday afternoon we headed for the airport. We had a good week of bible school but we were excited for a short break. The flight to JFK couldn't have gone better! Isaac took a nice long nap and then was content to look around for a while. Somehow I hit it just right and he went to sleep for a nap without any fight, which happens only once in a blue moon! Our dear friends, Jeremy and Jana had so kindly agreed to pick us up. and graciously allowed us to get a few hours of sleep at their house before heading to surprise our parents that Saturday morning. Jared had told his dad that Jeremy wanted to borrow little blue, so that way we had a way to get around. Jana had a very inviting and homey space set up for us and thankfully Isaac allowed us to get a bit of sleep!

Saturday morning was a very chilly one for those of us that had no jackets or any type of warm clothing! Thankfully little blue had a good heater and we warmed up quickly. Jeremy and Jana had 'borrowed' little blue so we had a way to get around the next morning. We parked far enough away that we would not be seen and sneaked behind the neighbor's house, planning to walk in on my mom and dad. We were taken back when we turned the corner of the neighbor's house to see my dad right there, already working outside. We quickly darted behind the neighbor's house again and decided that we would have to surprise him there because there was no getting by him! He was surprised but was so taken off guard that he didn't have a lot to say! Next we went around the back of the house and in the basement to surprise mom. She was washing dishes at the kitchen sink, which was perfect! We came right up behind her and I asked her if we were in time for breakfast. Her mouth dropped open and stayed that way for a bit! They were so shocked and it was a joyful reunion for them to see Isaac again! He was all smiles!

After showers, breakfast, and a bit of catching up, we went looking for Jared's parents. We eventually found Jared's dad working in a cemetery. Isaac has his first ever graveyard run as we tried to sneak down, closer to where he was working and then come out from behind a shed, right next to him. He was shocked as well! He thought that Jared's mom would be home by now so we headed back to his parents house in hopes of finding her. We walked right into the house and she was also very expressive and couldn't believe her eyes! Each one of them said that it felt like they were dreaming but knew that they weren't! It was a dream that had finally come true and it was very special to have our parents meet Isaac again! These are moments that we will treasure forever!

We enjoyed a Easter sunrise church service with the Kenhorst Church family. We got to see Jared's grandpa who has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. We enjoyed wonderful cooking by my mom. And for the first time ever, I was separated from Isaac for an afternoon while my mom kept him. Jared and I spent some time mulching our property and doing some spring clean up. It felt so life giving to be out in the fresh air. And as much as we love precious Isaac, it felt life giving to do something as just the two of us. The most disappointing part of the trip was that we didn't get to see my sister Allison. She is the dean of women at SMBI and it just so happened that she was on choir tour in the Dominican Republic right over this time. We were so disappointed. I decided to tell her about the trip when we realized our tickets were overlapping and we were going to miss each other. The trip was a very short one but it was still very worth while. Before we knew it we found ourselves on the way to JFK to fly home to Grenada, one last time. Coming back felt just like home and it made August look a bit more overwhelming as we realize that time we will leave and not come back. We will have to take home along with us! Isaac did very well on the trip but he was as pleased as pie to lay in his swing and play under his familiar toys!

Our anniversary was a few days later. We celebrated by going out for lunch and relaxing in the pool at the resort. 6 years feels long ago in some ways but as the years go by the memories pile up. God has been so good in giving us many wonderful life experiences in the last 6 years, which have grown, shaped and molded us. We are excited for the next 6 years together!

The rest of our days have been filled with normal daily tasks. Isaac continues to grow and become more fun and interactive. Although he is still so much work! Most of Jared's days start out at school and I often take a walk near to break time so the children can see Isaac and also so that Isaac has something interesting to watch. He loves to be outside and watch the big world. Recently a day was set aside for Labor day. The men went fishing and the church ladies had a morning brunch. That evening there was a fish fry with the catch of the day. I was out of my comfort zone as I helped Jared season the fish! Our evenings are always busy and we are having a good week if we get one or two evenings with no plans. When we don't have church or a youth function, boys club, or staff supper, we enjoy going for a family walk, often watching the sun dip down behind some palm trees. How we will miss this place.

Brett and Teresia Eberly moved here the end of October as a business administrator replacement for Jared. We were very excited about some relief. Jared started to train Brett soon after Isaac was born and he picked up very quickly. Often when the two were walking in town they would be asked if they are brothers, or even twins! I will admit that they do look somewhat alike, not enough for twins but hopefully enough that some of these places will not realize there was even a change. In the beginning of the new year Brett took over the Business Administrator work and Jared assisted him or helped him with questions he may have. They do work at some of the mechanical things together such as servicing the vehicles or fixing this or that. We did not expect the feeling that came with handing off this responsibility. This responsibility took some time and this was something we enjoyed doing together. I would often go with Jared when he needed to run into the ministry building to pick up a work permit and we always went to pay the bills together. With the various things that needed fixed in the Limes we got to see the staff quite often. This made us busy but we enjoyed it. We had a baby and had most of this responsibility taken off of us at the same time leaving us feeling a bit unfulfilled. We were almost shocked with this feeling! We continue to struggle through some of these feelings as we finish up our time in Grenada, pass on responsibilities and slowly let go. Events are in the planning for after we are gone, leaving as feeling a bit uninvolved. But we realize this is all part of the separation that needs to happen and we remind ourselves that we feel ready for the next step, it is just painful at times. We are committed to serving in the ways that we can in this season of life.

Time keeps moving on and the weeks of our time here in Grenada are becoming less and less. Part of me wishes that I could stop the time and hold onto this season a bit longer. But we are excited about the next chapter and somedays the next few weeks seem kind of long! At times the future changes overwhelm us and at times the future changes thrill us. We experience a wide range of emotions in one weeks time! But each day, no matter the feelings, I come back to the fact that I have today. I have these moments right now and I want to treasure them instead of spending them thinking on the future. 'We have this moment to hold in our hands and to touch, as it slips through our fingers like sand.'

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