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Writer's pictureSherie Weaver

2 Years and Counting

It feels like life in Grenada has come to a halt. We spend a lot more time at home which has both positives and negatives. It has been really good for us to slow down and we have enjoyed the extra time together, the time we can spend reading, learning, memorizing, and growing ourselves. But it also comes with frustrations. All church and most outreach activities have been canceled as the Covid numbers rise. Sometime we ask ourselves, what are we even doing here? Why do we even bother living so far away? What is our purpose if we cant meet with the church families, or continue outreach activities? And we can't easily come up with answers to some of those questions, other then the fact that this is part of God's plan for our lives. And that fact alone makes it a bit more bearable. We know that God is using this time to prepare us for the future that He has for us, and how can we complain about that?! For the past 5 weeks we have had a 7pm curfew, so we have had no evening plans other then playing games together, reading, or video calls with family. We have also had weekend lockdowns in which we were not allowed off our property from 5pm Friday until 5am Monday. We are starting to hear less talk of Covid but it does seem to be getting worse and worse in the communities around us. We are so thankful that, for most people, Covid is not more then a cold.

But we are trying to be aware of needs around us, ways that we can still serve and reach out. It has been a bit harder but there are still ways. Jared spends time witnessing and talking through some hard things with our neighbor man. He looks for ways to do physical work for people in our community. I have been able to cook meals for a few families, babysit, or spend time in prayer for the people of Grenada. While we feel weak right now, we are encouraged to know this is when God is strongest! While we feel small, insignificant, and helpless we know that God can do great things through this time if that is what He chooses.

Recently our little neighbor girl was turning 5 years old. This little girl witnesses much arguing and fighting in there little wooden house. She comes up almost daily just to see what we are doing. She is thrilled to help in the kitchen, play with Ginger, or help Jared care for the garden. Mr. Weaver is one of her favorite people and she loves to follow him everywhere. We decided to give her a birthday gift. For her 5th birthday she received her first wrapped present. The joy in her eyes was touching! We knew we had made the right decision.

A unique opportunity to serve was placed into my lap last week. Kenisha, a Grenadian member of our church, also the lady I taught kindergarten with last year, had a baby boy. The baby boy had some jaundice so he was kept in the hospital about a week and a half after birth. Kenisha came home from the hospital and was going in to see baby from time to time. In order to go see him, Kenisha had to have a negative covid test. On Friday her test came back positive and she couldn't go in to see her baby. Through a bit of texting she told me that she thought baby would be coming home from the hospital the next day but she mentioned that he couldn't come to their house because of her covid. I told her that I would be willing to help in any way and that she should let me know if she needs me. Saturday she called me and said the baby had been released and wondered if we would go get it and take care if him until she was better. Of course we would but wow what a change in plans for us! So during the weekend lockdown, we headed to the hospital for this baby boy. We passed several police checks who asked where we were going but finally we made it to the hospital and brought the little bundle home. Every moment of holding him I kept thinking that this can't be true. Surly she will change her mind and want him back any time. We had him for almost a week and then that time came! She was told not to be around him while she has covid but eventually she was told that she should be caring for and bonding with her baby while being careful to wear a mask and wash her hands. So almost as quickly as he came, he went home again! We enjoyed our time with him so very much and while I was sad to see him go I was glad he was home with his mama. And I was glad I didn't have to continue waking at night every 2-3 hours to feed a newborn!

While I love babies and children, I felt almost fearful to care for someone else's new born. And on top of that, I am an American caring for a Grenadian and there are certainly a few cultural differences! I was given lots and lots of advice, most of which I had to let go and continue doing my best! I was thankful that Kenisha was confidant in the care I was giving and left me do things the best I could, even if it wasn't always the 'Grenadian way'! While we missed him and for a bit I felt like I had nothing to do after he went home, he really wasn't here long enough that I had adjusted my life style so it was easy to go back to my life of going here and there. It felt like it happened at the perfect time, over the curfew and lockdown days.

Last week we entered into our third year in Grenada. How hard to believe that we have lived in Grenada for two years! I think to myself, where has the time gone? But as soon as I think that , I have to think, only 2 years? I feel like three months ago I was typing this very same update, only then it was one year in Grenada! Time sure has a way of flying by and it reminds me how important it is to view each day as a gift from the Father. We have grown so much though this step into the unknown. When I look back to moving day, I can still feel some of those emotions and feelings of stepping into a completely new life, away from everything and everyone we knew. But as the days turn into weeks, the weeks into months and the months into years, you adjust and find a new way of life. Sometimes the Grenadian people ask us how long we will stay here but my mom is the one who probably faces that question the most! And it really is hard to know what God's plan is. We want to feel called to move to the next place of service and so even now we often pray that God will make that call clear to us. If we had to guess, we will be here another 2-3 years. But really, its up to God! We are trusting Him for the future.

Since I didn't have a baby to care for anymore, I had had to find other things to do around home. While I do enjoy the cooking and cleaning of a housewife the creativity inside me needs to be shown now and then! Last week I was able to do a small upgrade to our bathroom. Of course I needed to get Jared involved so we made some shelves together. I did have to buy one item for the project which wat a woven light shade made by a local man here. I felt like that was the finishing touch and i have been loving the new look. The person who lives in this house after me will have to get their own shade because mine is moving with me, whenever that time comes! It means more then any Walmart, Target, or Amazon light shade because I know personally the person who made!

We are thankful that we can get out with staff from time to time. These times feel very hard for our church family as well as the staff team. It takes an effort to remain unified and on the same page. In Laborie, we have been getting together for a meal each week. This gives us a chance to connect and regroup. This week was my turn to cook so I got stuff together for Mountain Pies and we went to one of Jared's favorite points. It was a beautiful evening and we enjoyed getting away and forgetting the pressure of life.

This week we were anxiously waiting for a regulation update. We were hoping for a bit more movement and possible even the privilege of in person church. But the regulations came out and we will continue to be home at 7pm for curfew each evening and we will continue to have church on Zoom. Non-essential businesses have been allowed to open and beaches are open a few more hours each day. There is no weekend stay-at-home order. Dine in restaurants and gyms are open to vaccinated persons. We are starting to hear talk that all teachers and students will need to be vaccinated in order for schools to open. It is almost certain that we will not have school the rest of this trimester which will put us into the year of 2022. Though all these ups and downs we are still grateful that we have the peace that passes understanding. It's so beautiful to be in God's will and knowing that this is part of His sovereign plan. God bless you as you look for opportunities to serve Him.

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