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Writer's pictureSherie Weaver

Taking Up My Cross

Summer vacation has been such a needed blessing for us and we have been enjoying the new pace, even though we still have plenty to do! From time to time the normal gets old and it can be hard to see the blessings in each day. It has been good for us to change things up and invest our time into areas other then school life.

To end the school year we had a few fun events that required a bit more work! One evening we had a graduation ceremony where all the children received awards for academics as well as character traits. Jared had the honor of addressing the graduating class and then after the ceremony there was a party for the class graduating from 6th grade into secondary school or what we would call high school. Jared had told them that I would bake a cake for them and they could choose what kind. Of course they chose something I had never mad before-red velvet! I went to the place I always go when I have cooking questions, my mom. She had a recipe and I was happy with the end result!

On the last Friday of school we had a beach day with everyone. Jared had asked me to come with the boys but I kind of wanted to be with the girls to make those memories with them so we decided that I would start out with the girls but I would take a 15 minute walk down the beach to the boys swimming spot. When I arrived Jared and Leonard seemed a bit stressed to be keeping track of the 17 wild boys and they both were glad when I arrived. Jared asked me to keep an eye on one of the busy kindergarteners. He was still fully dressed and when I asked Jared about it he said when they arrived at the beach, he ran across the sand kicking his shoes off as he ran, went right out the dock and jumped off. Still wearing his pants, shirt, socks and even a mask. It was quite a job to keep track of him. At one point I was helping another boy with something and I lost track of him. I was scanning the water looking for him, before long I seen Jared walking a short way up the beach to a resort. Then I seen little Javier laying on a resort beach chair with his arms and legs stretcher out, getting some sun! I did have to laugh to myself but I'm sure the resort guests were not impressed with this little guy sitting on the chairs that they had spent big money for! Jared did a head count every two minutes and that was hardly often enough! We sure made memories!

School ended on a Friday and that weekend we were having a crusade in Bellplain, a community where a family from our church lives. Leonard and Jared each shared a convicting message and some of us ladies sang. Most evenings the weather was beautiful but from time to time rain threatened. On Sunday evening, Thaddeus was planning to have the message but all day the rain poured. It was disappointing for all of us but we trust that the Word of God went out and will not return void.

The week after school was an emotionally draining one. Leonard and Jen Bauman were planning to leave on Wednesday as well as one of the teachers. The day before they left there was a news release that everyone coming into the country must be vaccinated unless you are a citizen as of July 31st. We could hardly believe how fast this new rule was coming into affect. Leonard's were not planning to return until August 19th and we have 4 new teachers coming this summer as well as a pastor couple for the Limes in the fall. It was hard to even know what to think. Jared went into the ministry to work for an exemption but after getting one no after the next he decided to ask about coming a citizen. That process is not only costly but requires an update on all vaccines as well as other invasive tests and procedures. So each of us is faced with the decision at some point or another. Either stay in Grenada for as long as we feel called with no trips home or become vaccinated. In many ways this was disappointing news and we feel as though we are being forced into this but as we worked through this we came to the place were we continue to feel peace about the call God has on our lives. Leonard and Jen decided to come back the day before this came into affect. Scott and Yvonne were planning to be in Laborie for a few weeks to assist but decided to move to the Limes. All this change is emotionally draining but we are viewing this as a time of growth in our lives as we live and learn each day. A dear friend reminded me of a verse that was special to me through this time- 2 Chronicles 12:20 Oh God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are fixed on you.

As I type about those emotionally draining days I will continue! A week after school was over, we again made another trip to the airport. If you think drives to the airport sound fun, let me tell you how they really are! These days we never go to the airport for the fun and exciting part of picking up family or friends as they are taken to quarintine by taxi. Every time we go to the airport we are saying goodbye, maybe for a few weeks or maybe forever. In this case it was forever. Of course we may meet again in life but it is hard to see some of your team go. Ariana Rutt and Krista Zook had taught in the school for the last two years but were both moving back to the states. As we left the airport we felt alone. All the teachers were gone on a trip or moving home, Leonard and Jen were in a trip and that left us alone in Laborie. As we drove away I couldn't help spill my feelings to Jared. It hurts to grow as a team and then say goodbye. And it certainly isn't easy to be a team by ourselves!

From time to time Jared has talked about getting a puppy. I've always told him that I don't mind if he gets one but one thing it clear-it is his dog! I am not an animal person and while I think puppies are cute, I don't one of my own. Jared kept his eye open for a while as most dogs here are ugly mixed breeds. One of the locals here has a mama dog that looks something like a small golden retriever with reddish hair. They said the father is a poodle, and so Jared decided this was the dog! We are not seeing to much longer 'golden retriever' hair or anything that looks like a poodle either. So we are not sure what kind she is and the day she was born isn't even known either. But we brought her home when she was about 6 weeks old and we are still trying to work through the puppy crying stage. We decided that Nutmeg would be a good name for an island dog so Nutmeg she is! As the days go by she cries and wines less and less. But after Jared woke up 4 times to go out to his shop to comfort her in the night, he brought a plastic tub in the house and left her sleep beside the bed so whenever she starts to cry in the night he sticks his hand down by her face and she falls right to sleep again! If it were up to me she wouldn't be sleeping in a tub in the house but I guess it is nice to our neighbors who don't enjoy the frequent puppy crying wake ups each night! Nutmeg goes with us nearly everywhere. We take her when we walk through the community, we take her to church activities, she goes along to boys club and she even enjoys rides on the bike. Recently, Jared was driving down the road and she put her paws up on the window and was watching the world go by. All of a sudden she decided to jump out. Thankfully Jared was holding on to her leash and pulled her back in before she hit the ground. I can only imagine how that must have looked to see Jared pulling his puppy up the side of the bus and in the window. And I can only imagine how it felt to Nutmeg to be 'hanging by a thread!'

I celebrated my 25th birthday just before the two girls left. Even though school was out for a week we really hadn't been able to slow down much so Jared and I decided to spend the Sunday evening together, just the two of us. Sunday morning Jared was preaching the sermon so I made us a breakfast of pumpkin crepes. After church we used some precious hamburger meat and had a lunch of meatballs. A few people had sent birthday gifts which were special to open. Then Jared and I packed up some firewood, a blanket, some sausage and of course some birthday cake! We had a relaxing camp fire on the beach and it was time to come home all to quickly! Monday we continued with the celebration and headed to a resort for an afternoon at the pool. Many, many people wished me a happy day and I felt so blessed and even surprised that I have so many friends!

Eventually it felt like we were getting into vacation mode! And that doesn't mean we go to the beach every day. Quite honestly we are just as busy, just with a different kind of busy! I have been able to do some updates to our house that I have been excited about. I felt like I painted and painted but eventually it came to the fun part of putting on the wooden door knobs and decorating. Seeing the end result made my perseverance worth while. I'll include before and after pictures. This week we have been working in the Limes. The pastor couple from the Limes moved home and before a new family comes to live in the house there we are doing a bit of updating. It's been a lot of hard work and by the end of the days I've been exhausted from standing on hard concrete or tile floor but painting is really good for a change. As we wrap up our project in the Limes there are still other small jobs we need done but we are looking forward to a bit of a slower schedule. I feel like I said those exact words in the last update! Maybe we can't help but keep super busy!

On Sunday we sang the song Wayfaring Stranger which we sing pretty often here. The third verse stuck out to me and then the pastor commented in it as well so it made an impression on my mind that I have been thinking on this week. The third verse of the song goes like this-I'll soon be free from every trail, my body sleep in the church yard, I'll drop the cross of self denial and enter in to my reward. How long will I have to deny self? Until my life on this earth is over. But the last phrase encourages me that denying self is worth is for I will gain a reward. Some verses that I read this week that I felt fit well with the thought of denying myself was Matthew19 verse 27 Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore? 28 And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. 30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first. Sometime I feel like Peter! I feel the need to remind our great God that I continually deny self and I wonder what it's worth. Sometimes I cook for guests and don't even get a thankyou for my hours in the kitchen, sometimes I babysit the neighbor child for too long and end up with no patience, sometimes I go grocery shopping and spend money on food for people in quarantine when I would love to be the one who is returning to Grenada. But that's all part of my cross and for the sake of Jesus I will gladly take up my cross with a smile on my face and joy in my heart because I am honored to serve Him in this way. Sometimes when I become weary and complain to Jared he reminds me that cooking someone a meal or babysitting puts another gold brick on my mansion in heaven! So what is it that you are denying yourself this week? Lets remember that it will be worth it when we enter into our reward.

Recently I was blessed when a non Christian person told me that Jared and I look happy. That is just what I want people to think when the meet me or see a picture of me. We truly are happy on the journey God is taking us through. I thought this picture showed just that. My hair is messy from the motor bike ride, Jared has an old t-shirt on, our clothing certainly doesn't match, I still have a sticker on my hand from an afternoon spent with the 4 year old neighbor girl and Nutmeg isn't even looking at the camera. But God has blessed us and we are happy.

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Aug 07, 2021

Hello Sherie! happy belated birthday! 😊 You are so gifted at making beautiful cakes. i am glad you found some ways to celebrate!

Thank you for writing this update. It was good to hear from you and get a glimpse of your life and processing again.

"Breathe on me, Breath of God,

fill me with life anew,

that I may love the way you love,

and do what you would do."

-Edwin Hatch

love and prayers, Dawn Weaver

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