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Writer's pictureSherie Weaver

The True Vine

Since the last update, things have taken a turn for the better! Slowly more and more of the regulations are being lifted and we are starting to do some of the normal life activities again. The number of Covid cases had gone up so very rapidly and there were more then 3,000 but before we knew it the numbers were dropping by hundreds each day. By now there are less than 130. Seems kind of wild! We thank God for health. We have really enjoyed this slower pace of life. But while we enjoyed it, it came with its own set of discouragements.

The government here seems to tell us when we may and may not have church! We are so thankful to be having in person services again! After several lockdown weekends and the privilege's of church taken away, it feels like a huge blessing to meet together for worship. After weeks of Zoom church, new regulations came out that we could have in person church but needed to have less then 20 people at the service. If all of us come, we push the limit of 20 so we had decided that we would take turns staying home. But 2 weeks later those regulations were dropped and we have been allowed to hold church services as normal. What a gift!

We continue under a few annoying regulations, such as no social gatherings. Things like boys and girls club, community family nights, times of singing for elderly and so on are still on hold. We are expecting this to change soon but for now we are looking for one on one or smaller groups to minister to. Last Monday was thanksgiving day here in Grenada and aside from it being a day spent with the church family, it sure didn't feel like a crisp fall thanksgiving day with a table spread with the traditional foods. But, that doesn't mean it wasn't a good day! The Laborie church decided to go to our for a picnic at the Laura church. And like usual, when there is food involved, everybody comes! I think we did have over 20 people but thankfully we were in a quiet peaceful location to ourselves. It was very good for the church family to do something together again. After weeks of seeing each other through screens, there becomes a level of disconnect and it was good to encourage each other again.

Sometimes we wonder what we will get into next and this month it was honey bees! From time to time we talked of this and recently we had a young man over for Sunday lunch after church. He has a hive of honey bees and after an afternoon of talking of bee keeping over a game of rook, Jared decided to give it a try. That week Jared made a box and got a few supplies to get started. Next they moved some bees from one box to the next in hopes that they wouldn't all move out or die. The hive in looking very good and there are lots of new eggs. Jared is hoping for some honey around the beginning of February. Jared has borrowed a bee suit to wear a few times but he is hoping to get his own from the states the next time someone is traveling from our area. He has gotten stung a few time which hasn't been the most pleasant. Jared has really enjoyed this opportunity to learn something new and it gives a good opportunity to do something with a local man from church.

A few weeks ago someone heard of free chickens. If something is to good to be true, it probably is! But Pastor Leonard, Jared and some of the men from the church were doing a work project at a house close to this place that had these free chickens so they decided to check it out. They ended up coming home with 10 three-year old layer hens. That evening we made an old hen pot and it was about at tasty as it sounds! I was disgusted as I watched my supper get butchered, washed, and thrown into the pot. There was a lively domino game going as this old hen soup cooked. Eventually it was pronounced finished and we filled our bowls. The soup itself wasn't to bad but the 3 year old chicken meat was as spongy as rubber! Needless to say, the adults noticed the age of the chickens but our little neighbor girl, Arie, was thrilled to have as much chicken as she wanted! Ginger was also very excited with the leftovers that she got for the next week!

Recently regulations were released that gave an update on the reopening of schools. We had been told by others that most likely schools would only reopen if all teachers and students were vaccinated. This sounded like a wild idea, but not impossible compared to some of the other strict measurements taken. We were thrilled to hear an update that primary schools could return having each grade come one day of the week. Private schools could apply for approval to open 5 days a week with a list of regulations to follow. Jared applied and after a few days he checked to see what was going on. Over and over he got the answer, we will call you tomorrow. But the next day the hours would pass, eventually he would call in and they would say the same thing. We started hearing of other private schools that got approved so Jared put on the pressure. Saturday night he got into contact with a lady that was able to help him and this morning he got a text message of approval to reopen tomorrow. So with little warning we will jump into a change of schedule again as we reopen school this week!

Throughout the week when opportunities arise we try to invite people to church or get them to think of their life as the Lord views it. Recently Jared was having a conversation with our neighbor man and they were talking about Covid and all that comes with that. Jared was using this as an opportunity to show this man how this is an obvious sign of the direction that the world is heading-the end. This neighbor man was saying that he believes this is really only the beginning. He believes there will be zombies, ghosts, and a list of unrealistic things that will happen while we live in this world. Last week while we were in town a man begged us for money for bus and Jared took this opportunity to ask the man if he goes to church. This man surprised us by saying he goes to the Muslim mosque. Next Jared asked if he believes in Allah. The Grenadian man went on to say that he really isn't sure, but he thinks so. This gave an opportunity to share the truth that only those who believe in Jesus will have eternal life. Yesterday as we were cleaning church a local man stopped in to visit. He went on to say a few lines that I couldn't connect about Jesus the Son of God being the same Jesus the son of Satan. Through conversation he was told that there is only one Jesus but this man wasn't easily convinced and seemed to be trying to figure out which Jesus is the true Jesus. In my devotions this week I read the beautiful passage of John 15 that starts out by telling us that Jesus himself is the true vine. We don't need to worry about zombies, we don't need to convince ourselves that prayers to Allah are heard, and we don't need to figure out which Jesus is the real one. God bless you as you reach out to and serve those that you come into contact with. Sharing the one true Jesus is worth our time.

Prayer Requests:

  • Many of the school students have fallen behind with the online schooling. Pray for patience as teachers work hard to catch them up.

  • November 18, 19, 20 and 21 we have a crusade planned here in our community of Laborie. Pray for the men as they prepare to share and for softened hearts in those listening.

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